Transformation Begins Here!

Today’s societal climate can impact the quality of your life, threatening a sense of connection and security. The Nkyinkyim, an Adinkra symbol from Ghana, reminds us that life's twists and turns require versatility and resilience.

The research underscores the profound impact of various societal issues on health outcomes, disproportionately affecting underrepresented and marginalized communities. 

From the global health pandemic to social and racial injustices, gender inequality, immigration challenges, food insecurity, pay disparities, neurodiversity, ableism, religious bias, police brutality, healthcare inequities, and anti-LGBTQ+ rights—these issues shape our approach which is guided by a professional code of ethics rooted in social justice.

We seek to integrate evidence-based practices while supporting clients' use of unconventional methods that honor cultural and ancestral wisdom. 

We provide a courageous space that centers and validates cultural nuances and unique experiences.

Our therapists and healers are here to help you navigate the twists and turns of life - 'Nkyinkyim'. 

We hope that you reach out today. Let us support you on your journey.

Meet our Staff

Therapy rooted in culturally attuned and anti-oppression healing frameworks that transform and liberate.

If you are looking to:

  • Join our next hypnosis class for professional healers

…Then Say I'm Ready!

Women Groups

For POC women who want to heal in community!

Let's start working together!

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