Prioritizing Our Mind & Body: Now More Than Ever Before!

In these polarizing times ....

Let's collectively prioritize mind-body wellness as much as we can, especially in these polarizing times, which are increasingly threatening our livelihoods, sense of peace and freedom, and overall well-being. 

We can start by changing old tropes, negative labels, stereotypes and self-stigma that a person who needs help is ‘weak-minded’ or ‘crazy’. 

Additionally, it is simplistic to say someone lacks the right amount of 'faith' when support is sought. Name-calling, labeling and shaming people into believing they don't have enough faith is harmful and should be abolished.

You see, in today's climate, we ALL could use an unbiased listening ear, someone to talk to, process thoughts with, learn new coping options, and validate our feelings and humanity.

It’s true - our spiritual community, family members, and friends CAN be a source of support at times, but they are sometimes ill-equipped to handle problems or get overwhelmed - making you feel like a burden.

Frankly, most people we know are too close to the problem and cannot hold space objectively or non-critically.

In 2023, I created a program for uninsured or underinsured people that addresses health equity. Our associate-level and graduate-level interns from accreditated universities like NYU and Howard University lead this program. 

With looming trade wars, the defunding of federal programs (Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, etc) and the removal of DEI programs, our equitable pricing structure is here to support those most impacted by current changes.

We've created 'pay-what-you-can options for uninsured working people and pro bono options for people experiencing financial instability.  

Unfortunately, we can not serve everyone due to the complexity of some cases or unique situations that may require a different type of specialization. The next four years project unpredictability and instability for the nation. We are gearing up to accommodate as many people as we can or refer to a practice that can meet the community's needs. 

~ Be Well

Gena Golden